(c) Jukka Inkeri - 2022 -
The execution takes from a few seconds to max. 30 seconds. It depends on how much data to check.
You need two files to transfer to the server:
- Coursefile XML IOF 2.0.3 or 3.0 format. 3.0 version version works in all variations.
- Variant for teams: From Ocad or csv/lst Pirilä-format. More documentation
The system automatically identifies from the file name which of the three versions is being checked.
Ocad files
- Course information: Course Setting - Export - Courses IOF XML 3.0, name file courses...xml tai course....xml. Filename have to include radat or course
- Team variants: Course Setting - Export - Export Relay Variations. Filename have to include joukkuehajon or variant and extension have to be .txt example: compxyz.teamvariant.txt
The end result is also hajonta.lst, which can be used as a basis for making team-specific variants in the Pirilä-program.
Ocad coursefile and team variants from csv (Pirilä-format)
- Course information: Course Setting - Export - Courses IOF XML 3.0, name file courses...xml tai course....xml. Filename have to include radat or course
- Teamvariants: hajonta.lst or variants.lst (csv/lst, Pirilä-format) hajonta tai variant and extension have to be .csv or .lst example: compxyz.variant.lst
SportSoftware OS12 -relay program
When using the OS12-relayprogram, the last check should be done with the information in the result service program.
SportSoftware english version, OS12 relayprogram The file is generated from the OS12 program:- Courses :: Reports :: Course distribution :: Export :: Standard
- Select Columns separated by character (CSV), the Delimiter is a semicolon (;) and the String Delimiter can also be off or a quotation mark "
- give the file name something starting with and ending with .csv. In between, there may be a competition identifier or be missing the final result is, the name must be, that's how the format is identified by the checker
- this file contains everything needed, no separate track file is needed
- csv-filename must contain the string
- csv contains everything you need, no need for a separate course file
Example files
Github sourcecode include example files
The whole package is open source, so you can either use it command-line on your own machine or set up an online service like this service is made.
This is version 1, published 2022-10-06. I welcome feedback, especially if and when bugs are found. Contact - look github.
Liperi, 6 October 2022
Jukka Inkeri